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Monday, August 30, 2010

Amendment Entries : Tenth Amendment

Amendment : The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Source : http://www.nraila.org/legislation/read.aspx?id=5524

constitutional connection : This articles shows the 10th amendment through Chicago having the right to attempt to try to ban guns in the city

The article discusssed how a case had been picked up by the Supreme Court and they court was going to hear oral cases about it The case was for handguns to be banned throughout the chicago land area. Many people troughtout the city believe this should be allowed due to the strong gang violence throughout the cummunitites. Many politicians throughout the city are caught in-between. The bill is needed but they feel as the supreme court will order a Second amendment decision to the case. The case is Mcdonald vs the city of chicago. the NRA also had a case but was appealed. But they were allowed to be involved with the Mcdonald case as it would affect them equally.

In my opinion I fell that the case will be appealed under the second amendment. The city of chicago is making a very bold stand trying to get a ban on gun laws and taking their 10th amendment rights as a city very far, but the 10th amendment can only go so far. Trying to pit to bill of rights against each other is a eve battle. You might ( you being chicago in this sense) have the right to enforce laws that are not specified by the government under the 10th amendment, but the government also has giving all citizens the right to bare arms for themselves. Gun and Gang violence in the city is a very big problem that is growing wilder by the day, but maybe the use of the 10th amendment can be used in other and better ways than trying to take a way a right given to every citizen, that right being able to bare arms

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joal,

    You have some good entries here--I especially like the one you chose for the Second Amendment!

    But, you also have some work to do: the 5th Amendment entry is missing, the 10th is waaaaaaay too short, and please, please, please check spelling and grammar before posting (i.e. it's "militia" not "malitia."
