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Friday, September 10, 2010

Amendment Entries : Fifth Amendment

url : http://www.stus.com/stus-cartoon.php?name=Adamson+v.+California&cartoon=cpr0002

constitution connection : the political cartoon shows a moment in the case of adamson vs the state of california. It shows connection to the constitution as the fifth amedment is pleadable after being arrested.

After googling the case seen in the cartoon, the cartoon describes how adamson was brought up on a trial  of a 1st degree murder. The cartoon shows the part of the case where the porsecution made comments about Adamson decicded yto plead the fifth and not tesitfy for himself. The cartoon seems to take a shot at the case seeing as the prosecutors wanted to make adamson look as a bad person for committing the murder, but was distrubed at the fact he did not say anything but at the same time it also shows how adamson understands he commited a crime and did want to speak because he understood what he did and its consequences without the help of the prosecution or the judges.

In my opinion the political cartoon gives a good imagery of the fifth amendment in use and how people can use the fifth amendment to their advantage and disadvantages.

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