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Monday, September 13, 2010

Living Constitution : Legislative Branch

Source : http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/sep/13/us-arms-deal-saudi-arabia

Constitutional Connection :
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

the article discussed how the congress were coming close to the biggest arms deal in US history to sauida arabia to help support against iran. The U.S believe that Iran will be nuclear compatible by next yearThe deal was estimated to worth 60$ billion. the package includes about 84 boeing f-15 jets and helicopters. The had been in talks for a while but were being stopped because of the relationship between Saudia Arabia and The U.S. Things like Osama bin Laden, also old congress bills thats topped deals with saudia arabia had slowed down the progress, but Congress is expected to recieve the porposal by tonight.

I believe that the deal is the U.S again unneccessary sticking their hand in other countries business, yes I do understand that Saudia Arabia is having troubles with Iran but if Iran see us helping Saudia Arabia, they might see us as enemies and all of their allies will se us as enemies also. This might cause more war issues in the future which our country doesn't need right now as we are dealing with mmore important issues like the weaking economy. These weapons might also end up being used against us in the future if the relationship between the U.S and Saudia Arabia becomes strained ( U.S and Iraq a wonderful example). I just believe more political ways could have been tried and evauluated before we began to give weapons to a country who has birthed the U.S's #1 enemy Osama bin Laden.

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